Gutman Schaye

Electrical Engineer 
גוטמן שי

מהנדס חשמל

ברירת-מחדל  |  English  |  

  1. Ground fault circuit interrupter and our computer(hebrew).
  2. Grounding and our computer(hebrew).
  3. Connection uninterrupted power supplies with static inverters (UPS)to local utility source(hebrew).
  4. Graphs for testing conductors of rectangular cross-section to resonance(hebrew).
  5. What is the relationship between graphs for testing conductors of rectangular cross-section  to resonance and disaster wedding hall "Versai" in Jerusalem -May 2001(hebrew).
  6. Supply elecricity by using generator and uninterrupted power supplies with static inverters -UPS(hebrew).
  7. "Self Extinguishing"-Does exit?(hebrew).
  8. Leakage currents and the interruption of neutral conductor(hebrew).
  9. Electric field in our house(hebrew).
  10. Electric field in our house-Israel(english).
  11. Is electric field in our house a fiction?-February 2014(english)
  12. Oare campul electric in casa noastra este o fictiune?-Februarie-2014(romanian)